Premier Asset Finance Partner with the Seagulls

BMD Wynnum Manly Seagulls are excited to welcome Premier Asset Finance on board as a sponsor in season 2023.

Premier Asset Finance (PAF) are here to help Australian Businesses to understand the present, in preparation for the future. PAF can help to finance everything you need from cars and caravans, to large equipment and personal loans.

Peter Bell, General Manager of Finance, said:

“Premier Asset Finance was formed to provide Financial Assistance initially to Bartons Motors customers when required, and also to assist the local area residents and business fraternities in all things financial.

PAF’s highly experienced specialists are here to assist you with all your Consumer and Commercial Asset Finance needs.

We are very pleased to partner the Seagulls as both Bartons and Wynnum Manly Seagulls are institutions in the Wynnum Manly area. We are both proud of our achievements and uphold our reputations fiercely.

If we can help, we would welcome your contact and assure you of our best service at all times.”

To learn more about Premier Asset Finance, or to get in contact with them, click an option below: